

Chapters in Edited Collections

Moreno, Jairo. 2019. “Antenatal Aurality in Pacific Afro-Colombia Midwifery.” In Remapping Sound Studies, edited by James Sykes and Gavin Steingo, 109-134. Durham: Duke University Press.

Moreno, Jairo, and Gavin Steingo. 2019. “The Alluring Objecthood of the Heartbeat.” In Sound Objects, edited by Rey Chow and James A. Steintrager, 167-184. Durham: Duke University Press.

Moreno, Jairo. 2016. “Imperial Aurality: Jazz, the Archive and U.S. Empire.” In Audible Empire, edited by Ronald Radano and Tejumola Olaniyan, 176-213. Durham: Duke University Press.

Moreno, Jairo. 2014. “Difference Unthought.” In Rethinking Difference in Musical Scholarship, edited by Olivia Bloechl, Melanie Lowe, and Jeffrey Kallberg, 382-421. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Moreno, Jairo. 2014. “Past Identity: Guillermo Klein, Miguel Zenón and the Future Jazz.” In Music and Youth Identifications in Latin America, edited by Pablo Vila, 81-105. New York: Oxford University Press.

Moreno, Jairo. 2013. “On the Ethics of the Unspeakable.” In Speaking of Music: Addressing the Sonorous, edited by Keith Chapin and Andrew H. Clark, 356-390. New York: Fordham University Press. 

Moreno, Jairo. 2011. “Corpus delicti. ‘Pedro Navaja’ como palabra y escucha.” In Relaciones caribeñas. Entrelazamientos de dos siglos. Relations caribeénnes. Enchevêtrements de deux siècles, edited by Liliana Gómez and Gesine Müller, 195-212. Frankfurt, New York: Peter Lang.

“The Anacoustic: Imperial Aurality, Acoustics of Empire, and the Spanish-American War.” In Acoustics of Empire, ed. Peter McMurray and Priyasha Mukhopadhyay. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024.